Murgee auto clicker status-8
Murgee auto clicker status-8

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  • Fixed lockup that could occur when selecting a tracback point.ĥ.2 download jogos neoragex.
  • Improved WAAS search and selection process to be smarter in its handling of multiple SBAS service providers, overlapping service volumes, and exceptional conditions.
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  • Fixed problem where route recalculation would slowly go to 100% and lock up.
  • Fixed problem with displaying Waypoint At Destination while doing a tracback.
  • Fixed a potential problem where the wrong number of bytes could be sent for USB get requests.
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  • Changed tide stations to show selected date when saved on a calendar day.
  • Fixed problem in tide charts where local time axis would not match the station time axis.
  • Fixed lockup that would occur when 'finding by name' and then viewing map information for the point.
  • Fixed problem with bearing being adjusted improperly when projecting waypoints with a non-zero north reference.
  • Fixed problem where compass pointer could transition to the next turn too quickly.
  • Fixed lockup that could occur when approaching certain roads on the map.
  • Fixed lockup that could occur when selecting symbols for waypoints.
  • Fixed problem where waypoints could not be saved in certain areas of BlueChart maps.
  • Fixed problem where waypoint depth was not being saved as invalid when it was unknown.
  • Added 'Select Map' option for Address and Intersection searching.
  • Fixed problem where the interaction with certain beacon receivers was not displayed.
  • Add advanced NMEA support settings to support certain marine autopilot units.
  • Fixed problem with Indonesian Southern Grid using wrong longitude of origin.
  • Fixed shutdown caused by viewing some marine light points.
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  • Now reports DEM map support to PC software.
  • Fixed transfer problem with custom waypoint symbols.
  • Corrected 'Recalculate' option for 'Off Road' navigation.
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  • Corrected intermittent USB data transfer.
  • Improved Data Review page to show depth or height of structures like bridges on BlueChart maps.
  • Added support for extended resolution maps like Minnesota LakeMaster maps.
  • Fixed problem where excessive track points could be recorded.
  • Add capability to support NMEA over USB.
  • Add visibility of paths and tracks to display on topo maps.
  • Corrected support for certain carpool/toll roads types in Austria and Switzerland.
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    Murgee auto clicker status-8